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Our regulatory priorities: an update to our risk framework

19 Jun 2018

In March 2016, we shared the key risk areas that we would be using to target our work over the next period. Being a targeted regulator means making sure that we understand how best we can focus our energy and resources on the issues and charities that are most likely to undermine public trust and confidence. The risk priorities guide our engagement, registration and enforcement activity.

These risks will continue to evolve and change as we work to improve our intelligence on the risk areas, and to mitigate them where possible. This means that the risk framework won't be static. It will need to change to reflect internal and external changes.

We have recently finished a review of the risk framework. As a result, we have focused the number of risk areas from ten to six, and we have adjusted some of the risk descriptions to better reflect the underlying issues and the regulatory action we might take. You can read about the overall approach here. The key risks we will be concentrating on over the next period are listed below:

  • Deliberate mismanagement of charities
  • Criminal activity
  • Charity trustees' lack of knowledge
  • Attempts to gain charitable status for private benefit
  • Lack of clarity of the charity brand - bodies at the margins of charitable status and/or with complex or novel structures
  • Charities that don't provide public benefit.