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Guidance and forms
Becoming a charity guidance
- Being a Charity in Scotland
- Becoming a Charity in Scotland
- Meeting The Charity Test: Guidance
- Key Characteristics of Legal Forms
- FAQs: SCIOs on the Index of Company Names
- Cross-border charity regulation in Scotland
- Online application to become a charity guidance
- Cross Border Constitution Briefing Note
- Joint statement from the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
- All 'Becoming a charity' guidance
Managing a charity guidance
- COVID-19 Guidance for Charities
- Guidance and Good Practice for Charity Trustees
- Being A Charity In Scotland
- SCIOs: A Guide
- Meeting the Charity Test: Guidance
- An Easy Read Guide to being a Charity Trustee
- Notifiable Events guidance
- Safeguarding Guidance: Keeping vulnerable beneficiaries safe
- Cross-border charity regulation in Scotland
- Charities and Trading Guide
- Fraud: how to reduce the risks in your charity
- Social Enterprise FAQs
- Grant giving guide
- Protecting charitable status checklist
- Campaigning on political issues FAQs
- Charities and Auto-Enrolment
- Who's In Charge Guidance
- Charities and the Equality Act 2010
- Taking Steps To Successful Trustee Recruitment
- Banking For Charities
- Water Charges and Sewerage Exemption Scheme
- Checklist for Elected Members
- Social Media Fundamentals
- Cybercrime Factsheet
- All 'Managing a charity' guidance
Making changes to a charity guidance
- Making Changes Summary
- A Guide To Incorporation
- Winding up or Dissolving Your Charity
- Changing Charitable Purposes
- Consent flowchart
- Charity Names Guidance
- Updated Charity Reorganisation Guidance
- Reorganisation of Restricted Funds
- Guidance for Village Halls Governed by a Deed of Trust
- FAQs: SCIOs on the Index of Company Names
- All 'Making changes to a charity' guidance
Accounts and finance guidance
- A Guide to Charity Accounts
- Receipts and Payments Accounts
- Guides to Independent Examination
- Trustees Annual Reports: Guidance and good practice
- Annual Return factsheet
- Charity investments: Guidance and good practice
- Fraud: how to reduce the risks in your charity
- Incorporation To SCIO: Accounts Factsheet
- Submitting an online Annual Return
- Charity Reserves Factsheet
- Reporting by Auditors and Independent Examiners to OSCR
- Charities and Auto-Enrolment
- Whistleblowing Guidance
- Cross-border charity regulation in Scotland
- Trustees' Annual Reports Guidance
- All 'Accounts and finance' guidance
- Fundraising guidance
Forms and Templates
- Application form: charitable status
- Trustee declaration form
- Consent application: wind up/dissolve a charity
- Consent application: change name
- Consent application: change purpose(s)
- Consent application: amalgamate
- Consent application: Apply to Court
- Notification of changes made
- Reorganisation: Reorganisation Scheme Application
- Reorganisation: Newspaper Text Guidance
- Reorganisation: Restricted Funds application
- SCIO: Transfer SCIO Undertaking application
- SCIO: Application to dissolve a solvent SCIO
- SCIO: Application to dissolve an insolvent SCIO
- SCIO: Convert to a SCIO
- SCIO: Converting to a SCIO notice
- SCIO: resolution to amend the constitution
- ‘Whistleblowing’ - raising a concern form
- Trustee waiver application form
- Guidance Search
- Trustee information and guidance pack
Becoming a charity guidance
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- Contact form undergoing maintenance
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- Regulating Scotland's Charities
- Notification test
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OSCR notices and alerts
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