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Contact OSCR

Our FAQs page contains the answers to our most common queries.

If you have a concern or complaint about a Scottish charity, you must complete our online concern form. We do not deal with complaints via email or telephone.

The best way to contact us for general enquiries is to complete our contact form.  We will respond to you as soon as we can answer your query.

There are also alternative ways to contact us, and they are detailed below.

You can raise a concern about a charity using the charity concern form.

Before completing this form, we recommend that you read our guidance How OSCR deals with concerns and inquiries which explains what happens when you raise a concern.

Our online contact form allows you to submit a query to OSCR.

Please put as much detail in your message as you can and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

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BSL users can contact contactScotland - Scotland's online British Sign Language (BSL) interpreting service for public authorities. 

If you have any other accessibility requests, including translation, please contact us.

The best way to contact us is via the online contact form.

You may also email us at or put your query in writing to us at:

The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
2nd Floor
Quadrant House
9 Riverside Drive

We will respond to your letter or email within 15 working days. Any emails sent to us outside of our office opening hours will be treated as being received when the office is next open.

Please remember, if you have a concern or complaint about a Scottish charity, you must complete our online concern form. We do not deal with complaints via email or telephone.​

Please read our Privacy Policy for details of how we will use your personal information.


If you are unable to send an email and need to get a general question answered, you can call our office number 01382 220446 from 09:30 to 15:30 Monday to Thursday and 09:30 to 15:00 on a Friday, except for bank holidays.  Please listen to all the options before making your choice.


If you are a member of the media who requires a response from OSCR, please email with your query in full and include the outlet you work for.

Further information about OSCR's work can be found in our Media Pack.

Please note that the email address above is for media queries only, general queries should be submitted using our contact form.

We want to know what you think about OSCR, our services and the way we deliver them.

Our Customer Service Standards Policy provides details of how we will deal with:

  • your calls
  • general correspondence
  • visitors to our offices
  • visits to a charity by our investigators.

We try to provide the best possible services in all areas of our work, but we accept that sometimes things go wrong. When this happens we would like to know so that we can try to put things right.

In order to maintain our high standards we welcome your comments - both positive and negative - so that we can assess and review the effectiveness of our current procedures for dealing with our customers.

Comments and compliments

If you wish to make a comment or compliment any aspect of the service you have received from us, or you feel someone deserves praise for the work they have carried out, please complete our online contact form or write with full details to:

Judith Hayhow
Head of Corporate
2nd Floor
Quadrant House
9 Riverside Drive


For information on complaints and our complaint handling performance, please see our complaints page.