We have updated OSCR Online - click here for more information on how to submit your annual return

OSCR website upgrades

07 Oct 2022

Earlier this year, we launched our new and improved OSCR Online system to make it easy for charities to safely and securely send us their annual returns.

We are aware that the search function on the website is not working properly at the moment for all users. This is an unintended consequence of our recent work to upgrade OSCR Online.

We are currently upgrading the server which hosts our website in order to resolve this issue, but it may take some time to complete this work. This is a complicated and costly project, but carrying out this upgrade is essential to ensure the search function works quickly and efficiently.

We expect this issue to be fully resolved within the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime, we have made a number of changes to our Search page to help users more easily find the information they are looking for. For example, try searching by charity name only or charity number only as this will reduce the time it takes to present the results.

We have also recently resolved the issue that some users had experienced in downloading the latest full version of the charity register. As well as downloading a full list of charities on the Scottish Charity Register, you can also download a list of former charities and the 300 highest income charities. Find out more by visiting our Charity Register Download page.