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Join OSCR's Charities Reference Group

05 Oct 2023

What is the Charities Reference Group?

The Charities Reference Group (CRG) is a group set up by OSCR that provides an opportunity for charities to engage and interact directly with us. By sharing your thoughts and feedback as part of the group, you can help to shape OSCR's work and ensure we provide the information and support that charities need.

The group acts as a sounding board where OSCR can bring key projects and provides a forum for joint discussion between OSCR and CRG members. A key part of each CRG meeting is the chance for members to hear from stakeholders about important issues that charities and third sector organisations in Scotland are experiencing. The feedback from the meetings helps to inform our work and projects, ensuring we consider the needs of charities throughout the process.

One of the key tasks for the group this year will be to work with OSCR on proposed implementation of key measures within the new Charities (Regulation and Administration) Scotland Act, in addition to other key workstreams that have an impact upon charities.

How do I join the Charities Reference Group?

The CRG meets three or four times per year to discuss key projects under way at OSCR. The meetings are held online. 

OSCR is looking for new members to join the Charities Reference Group. We are keen to welcome members from a wide range of charities across the whole of Scotland. No matter the size of your organisation, where you're located, the beneficiary groups you support or the type of activity you undertake, we'd love to hear from you. Both trustees and staff members are welcome to join the CRG.

Please contact for more information or to express your interest in joining. Closing date: Friday 24 November 2023.