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Charity regulator's survey

02 Dec 2015

We are currently developing new ways of working and new procedures in support of our Targeted Regulation project.

Read more here about Targeted Regulation.

As part of that work, we’ve contacted a small random sample of charities in two specific categories:

  • Charities entered in the Register in the past two years
  • Charities returning a ‘nil’ income/expenditure figure in their last two years’ accounts.

Our aim is to better understand the issues faced by these groups and ensure that the systems we develop are appropriate.  If your charity has been selected to take part, please take five minutes to complete the short questionnaire and record a few brief comments to help us in our work.  Your feedback will be extremely useful, and help us to work more effectively with these groups - ultimately to the benefit of the wider sector. 

If you haven’t been contacted by us but would like a survey form and your charity falls into either of the above groups, please contact us here for a survey form. Remember, we need your completed survey by 5pm on 10 December!

OSCR Research Team