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Consultation on draft guidance for charities with investments

13 Aug 2018

The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) is seeking your views on its draft investment guidance.

The guidance aims to help and support trustees of charities that have investments or are considering investing some of the charity’s funds. It has been developed with the assistance of Julie Hutchison of Aberdeen Standard Investments and our reference group of investment managers and charity finance directors.

View the draft here.

This consultation runs from 13 August to 21 September. If you would like to respond please see our open consultations page for details. Your comments can be short and specific to any part of the draft guidance or you can comment on the full document – we are grateful for all feedback whether it is complimentary or highlights where improvements are needed.

OSCR’s Head of Professional Advice and Intelligence, Laura Anderson, said,

‘Charities of all shapes and sizes hold investments which often take different forms and demand differing levels of management and expertise. This guidance has been developed to support charity trustees of charities that hold investments, regardless of the size of the charity and whether the charity has held investments for a long period of time or are just starting out on their investment journey.

'Your feedback is critical in helping us to shape this guidance so that all charities in Scotland that have investments, or may be considering investing, feel well supported in this area of their operations.’

Julie Hutchison has also produced a blog introducing the consultation that you can read here 


  • The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) is the independent registrar and regulator of Scotland’s 24,400 charities and publishes the Scottish Charity Register at Our vision is of charities you can trust and which provide public benefit. More information about our work can be found on our website.
  • A detailed explanation of the reference group members can be found in the consultation document.