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VIDEO: OSCR’s Regulatory Priorities 2023-26

05 Oct 2023

As a regulator, OSCR aims to focus our resources on areas where we can have the most impact and provide the best support to Scottish charities.

In order to identify which areas we should focus on, we have developed our Regulatory Priorities for the period up until 2026.

In this video, Martin Tyson (OSCR’s Head of Regulation & Improvement) discusses our Regulatory Priorities for the next three years.

Watch the video to find out more about:

  • How does OSCR make decisions about what type of action we take as a regulator?
  • How does OSCR prioritise and set expectations around how we determine what is proportionate?
  • What are the challenges of regulating such a diverse charity sector in Scotland?
  • How does OSCR target its resources in the right places?
  • What are OSCR’s five main Regulatory Priorities for the next three years?

This video was filmed at our ‘Regulating Scotland’s Charities’ event on 17 August 2023.