What is a trustees' annual report?
A trustees’ annual report is the narrative part of your accounts. It contains information about the charity; how it is run; its activities and achievements; and helps to explain the numbers in the accounts.
The TAR is really about telling the story of what has happened in your charity over the past year and helps readers understand why you have spent money in the way you have.
A trustees’ annual report doesn’t have to be a big piece of work. Documents such as newsletters to members, annual reviews and reports to funders can often be useful sources of information to include in the TAR. |
A TAR is part of the legal reporting requirements for all Scottish charities, but it can be much more. It’s also your opportunity to:
- tell your story
- explain what the numbers mean
- show how you spent your money and what difference you make
- show the public, donors, beneficiaries, members and the media that you are accountable and transparent.
Using personal information and photographs in the Trustees' Annual Report
When preparing the Trustees' Annual Report, please be mindful that this document may be publicly accessible. As such, it is crucial to exercise caution regarding the inclusion of personal information and photographs of individuals.
- Personal Information: Avoid including sensitive personal details such as full names, addresses, phone numbers, and any other information that could lead to the identification of individuals without their explicit consent.
- Photographs: Ensure that any photographs used do not contain identifiable images of individuals unless you have obtained their written permission. This is particularly important for images involving children or vulnerable adults.
- Compliance: Adhere to data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to protect the privacy of individuals and avoid potential legal issues.
By following these guidelines, you help safeguard the privacy of individuals and maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the information contained within the report.