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Forms and Templates

Published: 06/07/2017
Updated: 21/11/2018


Find the popular forms and templates we publish.

Our pdf application forms are interactive. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.


An online form to apply to OSCR for charitable status as a recognised Scottish Charity.

This form should also be used by charities who:

  • want to incorporate to a SCIO
  • are England and Wales charities applying for charitable status in Scotland.

    Application form 


A copy of OSCR's charity Trustee declaration to be completed by Charity Trustees as part of the Application process for setting up a charity.

Download document 


Application form* for charities wishing to wind-up or dissolve under section 16 (2)(c) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application form to wind up/dissolve a charity 


An application form* for charities wishing to obtain OSCR's consent to change the legal name.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application for charities to obtain OSCR's consent

An application form* for charities wishing to obtain OSCR's consent to change their charitable purposes.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application form for consent to change charitable purposes


Application form* for charities seeking consent to amalgamate with another body under section 16(2)(b) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application for amalgamation


Application form* for Consent to Apply to Court. Please read ‘Making Changes to your Charity’ before completing this application form.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application for Consent to Apply to Court


Notification form* for changes made under Section 17 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Application form


Application form* for Approval of a Charity Reorganisation Scheme

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application to reorganise


Charity Reorganisation and Restricted Fund Reorganisation Newspaper Text.

Reorganisation Newspaper Text Guidance 


Restricted Funds Reorganisation application form*.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application for restricted funds reorganisation


Application form* to Transfer SCIO Undertaking. Please read SCIOs: A Guide before completing this form.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application to transfer SCIO Undertaking


Application form* to dissolve a solvent SCIO and guidance notes.

We've put together 4 top tips to help you get the process right.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application to dissolve a solvent SCIO 

Application form* to dissolve an insolvent SCIO and guidance notes.

This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Please return the completed form and any documentation to

Application to dissolve an insolvent SCIO



To be completed if you are a charitable company or charitable industrial or provident society wishing to convert to a SCIO.

* This is an interactive pdf form. Before you put any information on the form you need to 'Save As' onto your device. If you don't do this and open the pdf from your web browser you may not be able to save any of your information.

We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.

Download document 


A template notice to be completed when a charitable company is converting to a SCIO.

Please note there are two sets of templates, one for a charitable company and the other for a charitable industrial or provident society. 

Download form


A template notice to be completed when a charitable company is converting to a SCIO.

Download template


Template resolution to be completed if you are a charitable Registered Society or Community Benefit Society wishing to convert to a SCIO.

Download document 

This form should be completed for changes to a SCIO constitution.

Download template



The form for raising a concern under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA), also known as ‘whistleblowing’.

Document download 


Trustee waiver application form.

Application form