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Become a member of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker

14 Sep 2023

The Scottish Third Sector Tracker is a growing research community made up of representatives from third sector organisations based across the whole of Scotland, who are willing to share their experiences, views and concerns as the sector faces both new and ongoing challenges.

The Tracker is run by an independent research company called DJS Research on behalf of SCVO, the Scottish Government, the William Grant Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund.

Those involved in the running of a third sector organisation operating in Scotland are invited to represent their organisation as a member of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker.

What does it involve?

Every four months, members of the Tracker will submit a small amount of detail about their organisation’s current situation via an online survey which will take around 15 minutes to complete. These details will be anonymised and then aggregated alongside the responses from all of the other Scottish Third Sector Tracker members.

This will give SCVO and its partners a clear and up-to-date picture of the health of the third sector in Scotland and will enable them to identify where they can provide support to the sector most effectively.

What has been achieved so far?

The Tracker is entering its second phase. As a direct result of its first phase, which ran from summer 2021 to spring 2023, SCVO was able to make informed decisions on its influencing and media work, and the Scottish Government gained invaluable insight which shaped internal decision-making and prioritisation.

If you are interested in finding out more information on the impact of the first phase of the Tracker, please read this blog post by Steven Marwick (Director of Evaluation Support Scotland).

How to register your interest

To register your interest in becoming a member of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker, please visit the Scottish Third Sector Tracker website and submit a few details about you and your organisation.

After this, you will receive a welcome call from a DJS researcher. On this call, the researcher will give you some more details about the Tracker and will conduct the first of the Tracker surveys over the phone.