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How to make a Representation

Find out how you can express your views about either a charity reorganisation or the reorganisation of a restricted fund.

A key part of the reorganisation process is giving the people who may be affected by a reorganisation or have an interest in it the chance to give us their views. To allow you to comment we will publish all reorganisation applications on OSCR's website, unless the application is from either:

i. a very small charity - that is a charity whose assets do not include any heritable property (land or buildings) or shares in a private limited company, and which has a gross annual income of less than £1,000, or

ii. a small restricted fund - whose property comprises of £1 million or less and has a gross annual income of £100,000 or less

In these small cases we may publish the reorganisations if we feel this would be in the public interest, but are under no obligation to do so.

Anyone may make a representation in relation to a proposed charity reorganisation scheme. A representation may be either in support of, or opposed to a proposed reorganisation.

We must consider the content of any representations received. We will not automatically refuse a scheme if we receive a representation opposing a proposed reorganisation. Representations inform the process, but they do not determine the outcome.

If you want to make a representation you must do so in writing and include:

  • your name and address (which may be an e-mail address)
  • the name of the charity involved
  • the nature of the representation and the reasons why you are making it

You can send your representation to us by email or letter.

Content of a representation

Please refer to the reorganisation summary on the OSCR website and comment on whether you consider the matters described there to be accurate or whether you wish to comment on the proposed change. The summary will appear in the charity's entry in the Scottish Charity Register, under the heading 'Section 39 Reorganisation Reports'. Give examples to support your view, where these are available.

What's the timescale for making a representation?

To inform the public of what is proposed, an application summary will generally be published on the OSCR website. This summary of the application will be published on our website for between 28 and 42 days, depending on the nature of the proposed reorganisation scheme. The majority of summaries are published for 28 days only.

The latest date for receipt of a representation by OSCR always appears on the reorganisation summary. In all cases, this is 14 days after the summary is removed from the OSCR website.

What happens with your representation?

Copies of any representations received will usually be forwarded to the applicant charity. The personal details (names and addresses) of those making representations will normally be given to the applicant charity. If you are making a representation but wish to have your personal details withheld, you must tell us why. We will then decide whether or not we consider this appropriate.

Representations should be sent to:

OSCR - Charity Reorganisation
2nd Floor
Quadrant House
Riverside Drive


We will not consider representations received after the latest stated date.