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Technical Guide: Charities and Benevolent Fundraising (Scotland) Regulations 2009

Published: 21/02/2018
Updated: 21/02/2018


You can download the PDF version here.

You can download the word version here. 

You can download the large print (18 pt.) version here. 



In this guide we explain the rules set out in the 2009 Regulations, which state:

  • the information that must be contained in the fundraising agreements between benevolent bodies and those who fundraise for them and
  • the information that must be supplied when asking for a financial donation on behalf of a benevolent body.

The 2009 Regulations cover all benevolent fundraising in Scotland not just that undertaken by charities. Benevolent fundraising includes raising money for a specific charity or for general charitable purposes.

Organisations fundraising in other parts of the UK should make sure they comply with the appropriate rules for that area. See sources of help, advice and best practice for more information.

How to use this Guide

The glossary provides you with further information, definitions and descriptions of some key terms. We have highlighted these key terms in bold purple type. Clicking on these terms will take you straight to the glossary.

Offence icon 
This icon will be used throughout the Guide to indicate when a breach of the 2009 Regulations is a criminal offence.

Trustee duty 

This icon will be used throughout the Guide to indicate a charity trustee duty under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 Act

The Guide is split into sections to help you find the information most relevant to you.