A week in the life
Monday March 31, 2014

I have a meeting in Edinburgh (where I live) this afternoon, and I'm not travelling to Dundee. So it's out with the laptop on the kitchen table and logging in to deal with some e-mails. The afternoon meeting is to plan future meetings of the Scottish Leaders Forum, a group that brings together leaders from across the public and voluntary sectors and which has driven forward work on cross-sectoral leadership development, the outcomes approach and performance improvement. Not only is it a useful discussion, I manage to grab a few folk before and after the meeting to discuss some live issues. Home early, and ready for the Monday night lifts for my teenage daughter....
8am train to Dundee. Day in the office starts with a casework round-up, then a catch up with my senior team. There's a steady stream of interesting registration and enforcement cases here, all requiring skill and judgement from our case officers. Next up, the all important weekly diary session with my PA before a snatched sandwich and the newspapers. In the afternoon, pleased to meet one of three new Board members that Scottish Ministers have appointed to OSCR - a senior lecturer with a deep knowledge of charity law. Catch the usual train home and get the tea on!
Most of the morning is spent sifting, chairing a panel considering application for promotion from a number of our administrative staff. Pleased to help with their career development even if it means that, sadly, some of the successful applicants will take up promoted posts elsewhere (we have around 55 staff, all of whom are fantastic and dedicated, but internal career advancement opportunities can be limited). Delighted to hear from our Investors in People assessor that our accreditation at Bronze level is re-confirmed. Clearly, Wednesday has been an HR day!
Dundee again, with fewer meetings in the diary. A chance to take action on the papers and emails I've read on the train, and to start preparing for an important meeting next week where we'll be finalising options for moving to a more risk-based approach to regulation. Also gave comments on an emerging piece of research about charity effectiveness comparing Scotland and the USA - an interesting read on a challenging topic. Then onto discussions with the team on next year's business plan and priorities and also about research on social enterprise which is a growing area of interest. Met our second new Board member, a self employed consultant with good experience in the third sector. Stormy weather on the way home - winter is not quite gone....
Take the slightly later (and slower) train this morning - more reading and email time. Shudder to think how many emails I've seen in two and a half years as CEO. Pleased to read an email about an upgrade to our OSCR Online service that 71% of Scottish charities are now using - the technical improvements in out latest release should mean a better service for all. Deal with some press queries first thing, then settle down to bash through more business - arranging a meeting for a project group of Digital Public Service Champions (a recent role I was happy to volunteer for); overseeing the issue of a press release announcing changes to our Board members (very sad to be losing two valued contributors); and making arrangements for a Charity Champion award which, in conjuction with SCVO, we are sponsoring this year for the first time. Home sharp to get to a school concert where my daughter is singing - lovely end to a busy week.