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Your Voice Matters: The Scottish Charity Survey 2022

01 Feb 2022

During February, we will be asking the public and charities across Scotland to help with an important survey. This is your opportunity to have a say about the charity sector in Scotland and OSCR’s work.

We carried out the last Scottish Charity Survey in February 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, charities have coped and adapted with new ways of working. You can find our previous survey findings, including the results of our COVID-19 impact research, on the surveys page of our website.

The 2022 findings will be used to improve our work, get a better understanding of what it is like to be a charity in Scotland, and get a clearer picture of the things that contribute to public trust and confidence in Scottish charities. The research will be carried out on our behalf by DJS Research Ltd, an independent market research organisation and member of the Market Research Society.

DJS Research will contact representative samples of Scottish charities and the public to ask them to submit views in an online questionnaire. Charities will be asked for their views on the issues facing Scottish charities and also about OSCR’s work as Scotland’s charity regulator. A small number of charities will also be asked to take part in a telephone interview to explore some of the topics in more depth.

The public will be asked about how much they trust charities, and the factors that influence trustworthiness. They will also be asked about charity regulation in Scotland, and OSCR’s role. The findings help us understand how our activities can ensure Scottish charities are well run and trustworthy, and shape the support and guidance we develop and provide.

We realise your time is valuable, but this is your chance to share your views to help improve the way we deliver our regulatory activities. If you are invited to take part, your participation will be greatly appreciated. The results will be published on our website by the end of June 2022.

If you have any queries about the research, please contact OSCR by emailing surveys@oscr.org.uk.