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We’re gathering information for our latest survey

25 Jan 2018

Between late-January and mid-March 2018 we are carrying out research to explore the issues facing Scottish charities and to gather feedback on OSCR. The research is being carried out on our behalf by Progressive Partnership Ltd, an independent market research organisation based in Edinburgh.

Progressive Partnership Ltd will be contacting a representative sample of Scottish charities on our behalf to ask for your assistance in completing either an online survey or paper questionnaire. A small number of charities will also be asked to take part in a telephone interview. If you are invited to take part your participation is greatly appreciated.  We realise time is a valuable commodity, but this is your chance to have a say about OSCR, how we operate, and about being part of the Scottish charity sector. The results will be published on our website later this year and will help shape our thinking in the future.

You can find out more about Progressive Partnership Ltd on their website; and if you are contacted and have any queries about the research, you can contact Louise Meikleham, Engagement Manager at OSCR on 01382 220446 (or