Charity law is changing. Click here to find out how the changes will affect your charity.

Section B

Published: 22/11/2023
Updated: 23/11/2023

You will now be asked some questions about the financial position of the charity.

Please click on the expanding sections after it to read more about how to answer a question.


This is the total income from:

  • total receipts if your charity prepares receipts and payments accounts


  • the Statement of Financial Activities if your charity is preparing accrued accounts.

Receipt of any donated asset which legally has to be held within a permanent or expendable endowment fund should not be included.

This is the total expenditure from:

  • total payments if your charity prepares receipts and payments accounts


  • the Statement of Financial Activities if your charity is preparing accrued accounts.

Charities must prepare either receipts and payments accounts or fully accrued accounts, depending on the level of income, legal form and the governing document. You should select the accounts that have been prepared by your charity for the financial year.

This question only applies to Receipts and Payments accounts.

Enter the total amount held in all bank accounts of the charity and in cash by the charity at the end of the financial year. This should agree to the figure displayed on your Statement of Balances.

This question only applies to Receipts and Payments accounts.

Answer yes if your charity owns any land or buildings at the end of the financial year. This should include if land and buildings are held by persons on behalf of the charity. This will include where land and buildings are held by the trustees of the charity on behalf of an unincorporated association.

If you select yes you will be asked to provide details of the land and buildings which are held. You should provide brief details which will enable us to have an understanding of what is held and if possible the value.

This question only applies to fully accrued accounts with an income of less than £500,000.

This should be the figure taken directly from the balance sheet total funds.

This question only applies to fully accrued accounts with an income of £500,000 or more.

If your income is £500,000 or more you will be asked for a breakdown of your income and expenditure. The headings are those which are used by the Charities SORP FRS 102, so you should be able to extract the information easily from your accounts.

When you click 'Save and Next' you will progress to Section C which will ask for some information about how the charity is run.