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Section 6 Example accounts

Published: 18/04/2019
Updated: 18/04/2019

The example accounts we've published here are intended to show you how to prepare compliant accounts according to various circumstances.  We've included examples that meet the requirements of the two charity Statements of Recommended Practice (SORPs). 

You can find further information on the charity SORPs on the SORP website.

Receipts and Payments accounts

Fully Accrued accounts

SCIO accounts

Scottish limited company group accounts prepared under SORP FRS102.

Unincorporated Association accounts 

Scottish limited company group accounts prepared under SORP FRSSE.

Receipts and Payments Workpack

Scottish unincorporated accounts prepared under SORP FRS102.


Scottish unincorporated accounts prepared under SORP FRSSE.


Example accounts for an independent school.