About the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel
Monday March 7, 2022

In this blog, the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel offer an update on their new identity and rebrand and how it will help them better oversee fundraising standards and complaints in Scotland.
At the beginning of January 2022, we were pleased to share our new name, branding and website to launch our identity as the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel (the ‘Panel’).
For those unfamiliar with the Panel, we are established for the purposes of overseeing enhanced self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland, to handle fundraising complaints related to Scottish registered charities, and to be responsible for fundraising standards in Scotland.
The Panel’s members work on a voluntary basis and are intended to represent the different functions and roles across the fundraising sector.
In becoming the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel, our vision was that our new identity would enable us to further focus on increasing our engagement with the public, and work closer with Scottish charities, of all sizes, to improve fundraising standards in Scotland.
What’s new?
Our redesigned website was created with the different users and their requirements in mind and has improved functionality.
The complaints submission process
To support and sustain the system of enhanced self-regulation for fundraising by Scottish Charities we operate a 3-stage complaints process. This means that charities and their trustees should be contacted first to try to resolve a complaint. Where complaints are escalated to the Panel, we improved the way people submit their complaints to us. To help individuals who wish to make a complaint engage with the Panel, we have added in pre-screening questions. This will help direct users to the best source of support to resolve the complaint.
Members resource area
Our website now includes a member’s area where charities registered for the Good Fundraising Guarantee can access and download the logos, statement and brand guidelines as required.
The Good Fundraising Guarantee Logo
One of the aims of our rebrand was to modernise and improve the assets we are able offer to Good Fundraising Guarantee holders.
- We now have our Good Fundraising Guarantee logo in a range of colours including white and black so the logo can be used light or dark backgrounds.
- We expanded the number of file formats we are able to provide to registered charities.
- We changed the shape to fit alongside other logos used throughout the sector
How to get involved
Register for the Good Fundraising Guarantee
If you are a charity who is registered with OSCR and whose headquarters are in Scotland you can register for the Good Fundraising Guarantee.
By registering for the Good Fundraising Guarantee, charities are making a positive statement about their values, culture and practices. The Good Fundraising Guarantee demonstrates the charity’s commitment to the Code of Fundraising Practice and outlines how the public can expect to be treated by fundraisers and charities.
Already registered for the Good Fundraising Guarantee?
Tell a friend! Share information about the Guarantee with colleagues in the fundraising sector.
Share your registration on social media and display your Good Fundraising Guarantee logo loud and proud on your fundraising materials.
Join the Panel
If you think you would like to join the Panel – we’d like to hear from you.
Throughout the year we seek new members who can contribute to the Panel’s strategic thinking and are as committed and passionate, about supporting self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland, as we are.
For an informal discussion about joining the Panel please email info@goodfundraising.scot
In becoming the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel, our vision was that our new identity would enable us to further focus on increasing our engagement with the public, and work closer with Scottish charities, of all sizes, to improve fundraising standards in Scotland.