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Scottish Charity Constituency Map

04 Nov 2020

The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) has released an interactive Scottish Charity Constituency map which shows Scottish charities by their Scottish Parliament constituency regions and areas. The map can be accessed on our Information for Elected Members webpage. It links data on constituency postcodes to data from the Scottish Charity Register taken in September 2020 (excluding cross-border charities).

The map displays an overall summary of Scottish charities with separate pages for each region which can be used to drill-down to individual areas. Users can select a region or area by clicking on a location from the bar chart shown, or using the zoom function on the map. The total number of charities, total income and list of charities shown are adjusted automatically depending on the area selected.

It is just one small part of our plan to use the rich and comprehensive data we hold on Scottish charities to improve knowledge and understanding of the sector across a range of stakeholders.