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New Equality Strategy

14 Sep 2016

New Equality Strategy

We have just published our updated Equality Strategy which shows how we will work to ensure that equality continues to be an integral part of all our policies and practice.

The strategy sets out the legislation, OSCR’s duties, the regulatory principles involved and the way in which we will continue to commit to equality as a public body and an employer.

This is OSCR’s fourth equality strategy.  The first two strategies had more of an internal focus, aiming at increasing our awareness and knowledge of equality issues and how we might integrate them into our ways of working.  Since 2012, and the new legislative framework, we have widened our strategy to focus more on how equality impacts on our regulatory functions. Our action plan shows in a concrete way the actions we are going to take, and where, within the organisation, the responsibility sits for the implementation of these actions.

Our board and Senior Management team are charged with demonstrating personal commitment to equality and take responsibility for the progress of the implementation of the strategy.