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Charity Search

Providing you agree to certain conditions, you can download the Scottish Charity Register.

Charity Details

North West Mull Community Woodland Company Ltd, SC037336
Registered charity from 15 May 2006
Charity Details
This shows the latest contact address that OSCR has been given for the charity.AddressPenmore Mill
Isle of Mull
This is the latest postcode that the charity has supplied.PostcodePA75 6QS
Shown where the charity has supplied us with a link to its website.Websitewww.nwmullwoodland.co.uk
Charities are shown as Standard charities, Registered Social Landlords, or Cross-Border charities. These last two will link through to other Regulators’ websites, where you may be able to view the charity’s accounts.Regulatory Type Standard
This is the link to the lead regulatory body for this organisation.Link to Companies Househttps://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/
This personalised charity registration logo can be downloaded free of charge and used on the charity’s website, email signatures and publications.OSCR Registration Logo
These are taken directly from the charity's constitution. A charity's objects describe what the charity has been legally set up to achieve. They do not necessarily describe all of the activities the charity carries out in order to achieve these objects. Object:
4. The Company has been formed to benefit the community of North West Mull as defined by the postcode units PA75 6QF, PA75 6QJ, PA75 6QL, PA75 6QN, PA75 6QR, PA75 6QS, PA75 6QW, PA75 6QT, PA75 6QY, PA75 6QU, PA75 6QQ PA75 6QH, PA75 6QX, PA75 6GN, PA75 6QG, PA73 6LY, PA73 6LU, PA73 6LZ, PA73 6LT, PA73 6LX and PA74 6NH PA75 6NA ("the Community"), with the Purposes listed in the sub-clauses hereto ("the Purposes"), namely: 4.1To manage community land and associated assets for the benefit of the Community and the public in general as an important part of the protection and sustainable development of Scotland's natural environment, where "sustainable development" means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 4.2 To promote, for the public benefit, rural regeneration, following principles of sustainable development (where "sustainable development" means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs), in areas of social and economic deprivation within the Community by all or any of the following means:- 4.2.1 the provision of financial assistance, technical assistance, or business advice or consultancy in order to provide training and employment opportunities for unemployed people in cases of financial or other charitable need through help:- (i} in setting up their own business, or (ii) to existing businesses; 4.2.2 the creation of training and employment opportunities by the provision of workspace, buildings and/or land for use on favourable terms; 4.2.3 the provision of housing for those who are in conditions of need and the improvement of housing in the public sector or in charitable ownership provided that such power shall not extend to relieving any local authorities or other bodies of a statutory duty to provide or improve housing; 4.2.4 the maintenance, improvement or provision of public amenities; 4.2.5 the preservation of buildings or sites of historic or architectural importance; 4.2.6 the provision or assistance in the provision of recreational facilities for the public at large and/or those who, by reasons of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, poverty or social and economic circumstances, have need of such facilities; maximum text reached, further full information can be obtained directly from the charity
Details of the charity's operations
Current status of the charity.Charity Status: Active
When the charity last submitted a change in information.Last Updated: 31 Mar 2024
Whether the charity is a Trust, Company, Unincorporated Association, SCIO, Educational Endowment, Industrial & Provident Society or Statutory Corporation, the date it became that form, and any previous forms it may have had.Constitutional Form: Company (the charity is registered with Companies House)
Constitutional Form Date: 15 May 2006
This best describes how local or widespread the work of the charity is.Geographical Spread: A specific local point, community or neighbourhood
This local authority area in which the charity is currently operating.Main Operating Location: Argyll And Bute
The Charity and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act sets out 15 charitable purposes and one analogous purpose.Purposes: "the advancement of education","the advancement of citizenship or community development","the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science","the provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended","the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage"
This lists which beneficiary groups the charity has identified as being the main focus of activities: children / young people, older people, people with disabilities or health problems, people of a particular ethnic or racial origin, other defined groups, no specific group or for the benefit of the community, other charities / voluntary bodies.Beneficiaries: "Children or young people","Older People","People with disabilities or health problems","Other defined groups","No specific group, or for the benefit of the community"
This sets out the types of activity undertaken by the charity from the following: it makes grants, donations, loans, gifts or pensions to individuals, it makes grants, donations or gifts to organisations, it carries out activities or services itself, it does none of these.Types of activity undertaken: "It carries out activities or services itself"
Annual Information Submission History
The end of the financial year for which accounts and information has been requested. Year End The gross income for the period. Income Expenditure Annual Return Received The date the return was validated by OSCR. Accounts Received The accounts available to view have had personal data such as signatures and addresses redacted (blacked out) to comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. The charity’s accounts are the responsibility of the charity trustees and any queries regarding the content of the accounts should be directed to the charity in the first instance. OSCR accepts no liability for the accuracy of the charity’s accounts nor any decision based upon them. Latest Accounts
31 Jul 2019 £274,102 £315,251 13 Oct 2020 Yes
31 Jul 2020 £217,575 £216,700 20 Jul 2021 Yes
31 Jul 2021 £694 £351,203 22 Aug 2022 Yes
31 Jul 2022 £1,763,665 £332,706 15 Jun 2023 Yes Published accounts can be found on the Companies House website
31 Jul 2023 No Annual Information due by 30 Apr 2024
*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, OSCR allowed an additional 9 months grace period for charities that were overdue/late when their annual information due by date fell between 01 March 2020 and 31 March 2021.

If an annual return has been received on time (within nine months of the Year End Date), the 'Annual Return Received' box is green   . If an annual return is late, the box is red   .

OSCR does not keep a register of Scottish Charity Trustees. This is not one of our statutory functions or something that we are resourced to do. Information about Scottish Charities should be available from the trustees' report of the charity's annual accounts. Please contact the charity directly using the above search to find this information

© Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator 2006. Crown Database Right 2006.

The Scottish Charity Register ("The Register") is subject to Crown database right.

The Scottish Charity Register is licenced under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Open Government Licence logo

When you use this information under the OGL, you should include the following attribution: © Crown Copyright and database right 2020. Contains information from the Scottish Charity Register supplied by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator and licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

From April 2016 we began to publish charities’ accounts, initially for those charities with an annual income of £25,000 or more, and for all SCIOs.

When a charity publishes its accounts on its website and has supplied us with a link, we have made this available. From late 2017, where the charity is a company, a registered social landlord or is also registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, a link is provided to the relevant regulator’s website where the accounts are made available. We accept no responsibility for the functionality, accuracy, or content of external websites – if you experience a technical issue with an external link, you should contact the charity directly.

You have the right to the following information under section 23 (1)(a) and (b) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, from the charity direct:

  • a copy of the charity’s latest statement of accounts
  • a copy of the charity’s constitution.

In addition to the above, a charity may also be able to provide you with previous years’ accounts and constitutions, although it is not obliged to do so. You can contact the charity to request this information using the contact details on the charity’s Register entry.

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