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George Walker appointed as Interim Chair of the Scottish Charity Regulator

01 Jun 2021

The Scottish Government has announced that George Walker has been appointed as the interim Chair of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). This appointment will be for one year in order to allow the organisation to appoint a permanent replacement for Lindsay Montgomery CBE, who resigned as OSCR Chair in March this year.

Speaking as he took up the post, Mr Walker said:

“I am grateful and excited to take up this role with the Scottish Charity Regulator as this very important time. As someone who has been involved a range of charities in the UK and overseas, I’m well aware of the need to ensure that charities are well regulated. Good and effective regulation can support this key sector and importantly help to deliver stronger outcomes for those we seek to support.

“I know that despite the exceptional circumstances that we have all faced over the past twelve months the staff and board here have continued to carry out our duties with care and professionalism, and so I look forward to joining this successful team as we prepare to effectively meet the challenges ahead.”

Further details of this Ministerial appointment can be found on the Scottish Government’s public appointment’s website at https://www.gov.scot/publications/public-appointments-news-releases/.





George Walker is an experienced chair, non-executive director and a former corporate executive. Over his corporate career he worked in the pharmaceutical industry and latterly in investment management for a large global firm. George has worked in the U.K. and extensively overseas, living and working overseas for many years prior to returning to Edinburgh.

George currently also chairs the Scottish Housing Regulator and Caledonia Social Care LTD. He has previously served as a non-executive director for NHS Lothian. He has long supported charitable organisations in the UK and overseas. In addition to his chairing and governance experience, George brings a long track record of team building, strategic planning and extensive financial and investment skills to the board of OSCR.

He is a passionate supporter of the need for high quality and well regulated charities in Scotland. He believes that good and effective regulation can support this key sector and importantly help to deliver stronger outcomes for those they seek to support.